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The Power of Yet 

By Annabelle C., Grade 11
我敢打赌,我不是唯一一个说“我做不了这个”或“我不擅长那个”的人.“面对挑战、挫折或失败时,我们倾向于消极. 然而,释放我们真正潜力的关键是培养一种成长的心态.
A growth mindset is when 人们相信他们的基本能力可以通过奉献得到发展, hard work and learning. It’s not only a positive attitude but also 相信我们的能力和智慧可以通过奉献和努力得到发展 work and perseverance. When we adopt a growth mindset, we see challenges 把挫折当作学习的机会,把挫折当作成功的垫脚石. In fact, in the book Mindset, author Carol Dweck says: “Failure can be a painful experience. But it doesn’t define you. Embrace challenges, deal with obstacles and learn from your mistakes. 
让我向你介绍“然而”这个强大的概念,来帮助你运用成长型思维. “还没有”的力量在于,如果你还没有取得什么成就,或者还没有学会一项特定的技能, it doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t in the future. 面对挑战时,人们可能会说:“我不擅长这个.” Now, add the word “yet.” I’m not good at that yet. 这会阻止那些可能会拖累你的消极想法,并为成长和可能性打开大门. It changes our mindset completely.
This concept of “yet” can be used in various aspects of our life. For example, in sports: “I can’t do this play… yet”; at school: “I can’t solve this math problem… yet”; or even 在日常生活中:“我还不知道怎么烤蛋糕.”
My mom introduced me to this concept during my first year at Stanstead. She learned it in a leadership course at work. Math had always been easy growing up, until I started attending school here at Stanstead. Math was my biggest challenge in 9th grade, when I was assigned to advanced math. 这么说吧,我在斯坦斯特德的第一堂数学课不太成功. Still, I always gave my best effort and never gave up. 每天,我都会一遍又一遍地对自己说:“我还解不出这道数学题。.“每天,Alexa和我都试图解决问题,寻求额外的帮助,并提出问题.
I may have struggled my first year, but now I’m in 11th grade and succeeding on every test. All my efforts and tears have paid off. I never gave up. 我不认为挑战是一个问题,而是一种改进和成长的潜力. 
To finish off, here’s a quote by Gandhi “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”